Friday, September 4, 2009

No Laborin' on Labor Day

For some reason, I'm falling back into my bad habit of laying down on my bed for a napper. Usually, that's not a bad thing, but I end up falling asleep and waking up at some wack-doo (that's a Kristinism) time of the night like three or four o'clock. It's something I desperately need to break myself of because it's just not good sleep. And, oh, my sleep is a very valuable commodity now that the school year has begun. My days of sleeping in are long long gone. I don't even sleep in on Saturdays as I've volunteered to drive the cross-country team to their meets this season. I do sleep until about eight on Sundays, but it's nowhere near the hibernation like sleeps I've experienced in past summers.

This should be an interesting weekend. I'm looking forward to it. The cross-country team has an early morning meet tomorrow down in Clear Lake, and then Kris and I are driving up to Livingston to spend some time with her family. This will be about trip number six for me. I still remember my first trip quite fondly. Her dad pointed out the shotgun at the bottom of the stairs when I arrived. I wonder if the thought of using the weapon on me has ever crossed his mind. Kris and I were there for the wedding of one of her friends. I took one of those hibernation sleeps that Saturday afternoon. I was still kind of feeling my way around Kris's folks, but it was a bit of a weaselly thing to do. This weekend, there's evidently a big slip and slide for the males of the family. I'll be taking my swim trunks (who am I kidding; they're soccer shorts) and joining in the fun. I'm not sure what else is planned. Definitely this will be a fun trip for Kris because this will be the first time in a few years that she's been able to stay with her folks overnight on a Saturday. She had been working at a church in Clear Lake and worked just about every one of the 52 Sundays each year. Kris, too, will be able to see her newest nephew, Roper. Roper's big brother, Gauge, and I have developed a special relationship. He shouts out "PIGGY BANK" when I drop some change in his paws. Hey, anything for the little people. Also, Miss Wood will get to bring her doggie, Peanut Butter Cup, back to Clear Lake with her. Peanut Butter Cup will join the two dogs already living at Tanner Manor, and acclimating dogs to each other is always a fun task.

Hopefully no guns will be needed or seen this weekend.

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